The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding

"About Ivan: Ivan Nikolov is a natural bodybuilder from Bulgaria, currently residing in the US. Since his arrival Ivan has been competing for the Musclemania chain of natural shows and has consistently placed in the top five in his weight class, while competing only in worldwide events. Ivan specializes in teaching real people how to change their mental approach toward life, which in his opinion is the foundation that one has to set first in order to achieve a better and healthier body."

Monday, April 23, 2007

Avoid Stretching Before Workout?

Yes and no. It depends on what type of stretching you are thinking of. If you have in mind the most well known, classic type of stretching, where you stretch to a certain degree and then hold for a certain number of seconds, that’s the static stretching. It’s the stretching you want to avoid before your weights training routine.

But if you thought dynamic stretches then you hit right on the spot. Dynamic stretches are those where you bring a muscle to a stretched position for a very short period of time, such as in arm and leg swings, rotations. This is the type of stretching you should do before your workout as a part of the warming up routine.

As soon as you are finished with the training session make sure you stretch passively the already trained muscles. Yes, I am talking about the type of stretching, which you should avoid upon beginning of your workout.

And why you should avoid it? Static stretching causes your muscles to relax, thus making them more prone to injuries. That is the main reason. You shouldn’t fear injuries due to your muscles being relaxed once you’re done with your workout because you are not going to do anything that might put your muscles in danger. That’s why you do static stretching at the end. And as a matter of fact you do it in any other part during the day except right before weights training session.


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