The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding

"About Ivan: Ivan Nikolov is a natural bodybuilder from Bulgaria, currently residing in the US. Since his arrival Ivan has been competing for the Musclemania chain of natural shows and has consistently placed in the top five in his weight class, while competing only in worldwide events. Ivan specializes in teaching real people how to change their mental approach toward life, which in his opinion is the foundation that one has to set first in order to achieve a better and healthier body."

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Caffeine And Soreness. Helps Or Doesn't?

Soreness is an issue every bodybuilder and athlete has to deal with. The means are different – recovery techniques, pain relievers, etc.

In a study at the University of Georgia researchers found that caffeine dose (in a pill form) equal to two cups of coffee (around 200 mg) fights exercise induced soreness more successfully than pain relievers.

This is another vote on the side of caffeine. Keep in mind, though that through making you sore your body is trying to tell you something - you need to pay more attention to the recovery. So, masking the soreness over time might lead to overtraining.

Another thing to keep in mind is although all its benefits caffeine is acidic in your system. You are already acidic any way if you follow a high-protein diet. Do, factor that when opting in for caffeine as a soreness suppressant.


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