The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding

"About Ivan: Ivan Nikolov is a natural bodybuilder from Bulgaria, currently residing in the US. Since his arrival Ivan has been competing for the Musclemania chain of natural shows and has consistently placed in the top five in his weight class, while competing only in worldwide events. Ivan specializes in teaching real people how to change their mental approach toward life, which in his opinion is the foundation that one has to set first in order to achieve a better and healthier body."

Friday, September 22, 2006

Do you throw up after a very intense workout?

It hasn’t happened to me but I know of a few people who would run to the locker room after several heavy sets of squats, and would throw up. Why is that? Is it a sigh of a good workout?

It turns out vomiting after a workout can be a sigh of a blood lactate build up. Lactate is a by-product of the anaerobic/glycolytic energy pathway. Obviously you should choose a level of intensity that corresponds to your body’s ability to effectively metabolize it. So, slow down if your lactate threshold is not high enough.


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